Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My First World History Paper - History of Nutrition in Eastern Africa

History of Nutrition in Eastern Africa

Korean Minjok Leadership Academy
International Program
Sung, Ji Yun
Term Paper, AP World History Class, June 2012

Table of Contents
. Introduction: Overview of Eastern Africa
. African Environment and Development of Food Production
. 1. Geography and Climate
. 2. Development of Food Production
. 2. A. Stone Age
. 2. B. Neolithic Revolution
. 2. C. Further Development
. Influence from Interaction
. 1. In General
. 2. Pre-Colonial Era
. 2. A. within Africa
. 2. B. Monsoon Exchange
. 2. C. Columbian Exchange
. 2. D. Colonial Rule
. Famine and Malnutrition Problems
. Conclusion
. Bibliography

. Introduction: Overview of Eastern Africa

             By the term East Africa, it is specifically referring to three countries of Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania. Eastern Africa refers to the entire area from Ethiopia to east of the Great Lakes. Thus, eastern Africa includes following countries: the Great Lakes Region, including Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, and Burundi. And there is an area so called Horn of Africa, which comprises Ethiopia, Eritrea, South Sudan, Djibouti, and Somalia.[i] Occasionally, other countries such as Mozambique, Madagascar, Malawi, or Sudan are included, but the above 10 nations are mostly regarded as eastern Africa. In this paper, the term East Africa refers to the above 10 countries as well.
             One of the notable features of eastern Africa is that it is the birthplace of humanity; yet it has not developed much since. Some scholars assert that the harsh climate imposed the development of a new method of food production. However, such natural limitations greatly impeded the region’s growth. Only in recent times, after it finally became truly independent of the European Powers, eastern Africa shows some symptoms of a remarkable development. A brighter future is highly expected of this region.
             In East Africa, there are a variety of tribes living around the region, forming a mosaic. Some of them merely have a few hundred people, but some others are composed of millions of people. Places like Tanzania take pride in that there are more than a hundred tribes of than 10,000 members. Five peoples--Cushites, Nilotics, Bantu Sudanic and Semitic--make up eastern Africa's main ethnic groups. Each of these three groups is comprised of several tribes. Some of the better known are the Kikuyu, the Luo, the Kalenjin, the Luhya and the Masai. This area is also home to many people of Arabian, Indian, and European origin.

. African Environment and Development of Food Production
. 1. Geography and Climate

The natural environments of eastern Africa withdraw a deep admiration. They possess diversity never possible at other areas- from tropical savannah to permanent snowy fields, deserts with airborne dust, firing volcanoes and rumbling cataracts. Moreover, there exists Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest peak of Africa, Lake Victoria, which is world’s second largest freshwater lake, the marvelous Great Rift Valley, and then there’s the source of the Nile River, the longest river in the world. The entire area of eastern Africa is also the world’s largest habitat of game, providing home to millions of zebras, gnu, bison, elephants, goats, giraffe, lions, leopards, cheetahs, hyenas…and thousands more.
Bounded to the east by the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean, the land rises (often on a plateau) to the Ethiopian and East African highlands of over 1000 meters, which contain five of the highest mountain peaks in Africa. Dividing these highlands is the Great Rift Valley. It is significant in the environment of eastern Africa because it is surprisingly humid and cool for an area of such latitude. It shows many microenvironments according to its altitude. It has high and consistent rainfall as well. Also, the highlands create many waterfalls of Nile and Congo Rivers. The highlands along the Rift Valley from Ethiopia to South Africa create rainfall catchments and shadows. They are often fertile and well-watered oases surrounded by semiarid plains. Thus, it is very rich in crop cultivation, and most of the little population is concentrated in this area.
On the other hand, the rainfall of lowland Africa varies greatly from year to year. Djibouti, regarded as the warmest city in the world, has a mean annual temperature of 86 degrees Fahrenheit. 75% of the area is either arid or semiarid, and the rainfall is erratic. Famine is a serious issue, especially in the Horn of Africa and northern Sudan, where it is extremely arid. In the dry lowlands, the main living is by cattle breeding. As a whole, 90% of the people are involved in agriculture and livestock in East Africa. It is the least urbanized area even in the African continent itself.

. 2. Development of Food Production
For thousands of years, the people of eastern Africa followed a traditional way of life, and many still do. Pastoral tribes tend herds of cattle and goats and supplement their diet with wild greens, bark and tubers. Fishing tribes, like the Molo, harvest tilapia or Nile perch from Lake Turkana and Lake Victoria or pull fish from the sea. Tribes of farmers, such as the Kikuyu and Luhya, cultivate traditional crops of sorghum, millet, cowpeas (black-eyed peas) and yams.

. 2. A. Stone Age

             The best and oldest evidence of human nutrition in East Africa can be found in Olorgesailie, a historical site on the floor of the Great Eastern Rift Valley that was once a lake in a lush environment teemed with wildlife. Thousands of wedgelike stone tools, such as handaxes, cleavers, scrapers, knives of varying sizes litter the ground. However, much of this time is remain unknown due to lack of archaeological evidence. To enrich the data, historians use comparative linguistics to propose links between the sketchy archaeological record and the spread of specific agricultural traditions.
For the vast majority of human existence, people survived by eating plants and animals gathered from the wild. Over time, people slowly developed methods of foraging by adapting to different environments and learning to exploit different sources of food. Because of the harsh climate and scarce resources, the people were imposed to maximize the food supply and sustainability. During the Middle Stone Age, about 1.5 million years ago, regional cultures started to differ; each developed a unique method according to the natural resources. They invented spears and sows, and most importantly, fire. They made use of the fire in many ways- heated sharp blades, cooked food, and chased animals off. In this era, people usually hunted a big or slow-moving prey, such as snails.
             Then, in the Late Stone Age, about 200,000 years ago, tools became more specialized. Unlike past tools which all looked the same, they made stone knifes, needles, axes, etc. specifically for a purpose. Other techniques include follow agriculture, new tools, and grindstones. They also started to use traps and grinding stones. Such progress would have increased their ability to hunt significantly. It became possible to hunt faster-moving prey, including fish. It led to a diversification of diet.
             Despite all those progresses, however, people had to use most of their time in gathering food, and hunger was extremely common. In a limited area, there would only be a limited amount of food for a small tribe; people couldn’t form large settlements.

. 2. B. Neolithic Revolution

             After all those years of hunter-gatherers, roughly 10,000 years ago, the habit of attaining food started to change. There are many conflicting opinions on the origins of the agricultural revolution; it might be started by one genius, by accident, or just naturally. Nonetheless, it is preferable to have a reliable food source nearby, so they kept that new lifestyle. What could be more secure than locking animals and planting crops near the houses?
             The effects of the agricultural revolution altered every aspect of primitive society’s lives. Firstly, they turned into a sedentary society. Agriculture and stock farming were not necessarily easier than hunting and gathering. Still, they were much more stable, which meant it was better for a large number of people to live together. Production of food contributed a great deal to the growth of villages and in the end, cities. Civilization, so it is called. In addition, farming must have required a higher level of discipline; people had to seed at a particular time, protect the growing plants and animals by any means, collect harvests up, and moreover, store and distribute the production. Such severe requirements led to a tremendous cultural transition.
             Throughout the early phase of food crop domestication, people continued to supply much of the protein they needed through hunting and fishing. Wild animal populations remained high because agricultural societies occupied relatively little of the landscape. Livestock, both cattle and sheep and goats introduced from southwest Asia, could not expand into areas with concentrations of tsetse- biting, blood-dependent family of flies transmit the dangerous Trypansoma microbes. These areas, mostly tropical savannahs and forests, remained home to substantial game populations.
             Moreover, some historians claim that Africa was home to one of the earliest domestications of livestock in the world, and that unlike the case in other parts of the world, domestication of livestock preceded the development of agriculture. The Auroch, a humpless breed of domesticated cattle, became the basis for a pastoral, food-producing lifestyle that spread across the southern Sahara. Associated with sites showing evidence of domesticated cattle are grindstones, pottery, and limited indications of the exploitation of sorghum and millet as foodstuffs dating to 9,000 years ago. The earliest sites identified as pastoralist suggest that the first pastoralists continuously moved between desert and Nile and rarely ate cattle, but they used the animals’ milk and blood. The African tradition of using cattle for wealth may have started in this area. In Africa, unlike the Middle East and India, pastoralism may have come before the development of agriculture.
Key animals that are raised in East Africa are cattle, sheep, goats, camels, pigs, and donkeys. Cattle, which are the most important of these, were introduced into the region from North Africa in 3000-2000 B.C.E. and are the economic base for livestock keepers and pastoralists who live in drier regions. These people depended on animals for food, with milk products being by far the most important. Milk is obtained from camels, cows, goats, and occasionally sheep. The people took it either fresh or fermented in containers—mainly gourds (kuat in Sudan or kibuyu in Swahili) or hollowed-out wood. The milk is then churned to make butter and sour milk which are very popular foods in southern Sudan and among pastoralists. Butter, which was a major item of barter trade in the past, is used in preparing other foods or is mixed with other foods to add flavor. Milk, which people often drink sweetened with sugar, may be used as an accompaniment for ugali or sima, which is a type of stiff porridge.
There were five deadly diseases that became a threat to their livestock: malignant catarrhal fever, Rift Valley fever, East Coast fever, foot and mouth disease, and trpanosomiasis. People worked to develop livestock breeds that could survive in their climates. Goats in particular became widespread, and by about 4,000 years ago a specialized breed of cattle had been developed that could live at least in the forest-savannah borderlands. It was only about 3,000 years ago that evidence of stock became available from southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Initially, sheep and goats appeared, and then cattle followed. The former two survive trypanosomiasis better and are less favored as food sources by the fly.
Among eastern Africa, the Ethiopian highlands have very unique culinary culture .Generally, there is too little archaeological evidence available; but one thing is for sure: the Ethiopian Highlands, like the other highlands of eastern Africa, represent a major region of plant endemism. This region receives fairly regular rain from the monsoon system and has many microenvironments based on altitude. African communities in this area domesticated four crops.
First two are coffee and finger millet, Eluesine coracana, which eventually spread beyond the region. For coffee, however, East Africa is not that fond of except for Ethiopia, its original home. In Ethiopia, raw coffee is roasted, spiced, and ground into flour. Coffee-drinking is important in communities of Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. Very strong coffee is served in small cups among Muslims in the coastal region as well.
Two others are teff and ensete, but they remain little grown outside Ethiopia. Teff is a small grain grown only in Ethiopia to make njera bread, a huge, flat, flabby, rather elastic, and slightly sour pancake that usually eaten with spicy meat or vegetable stews. Ensete is a bananalike plant whose stem marrow is edible. However, it has a major disadvantage- it consists of low protein content. Linguistic evidence indicates that domestication in this area perhaps started as early as 6,000 years ago. By 4,000 years ago, a process of intensification had begun in the highlands that would lead to the development of a remarkable civilization.

. 2. C. Further Development

             Thousands of years passed since the Neolithic Revolution, and people tried many things to intensify the agriculture. The agricultural systems that developed spread into areas such as river valleys whose favorable conditions made them even more productive. Some domesticates, such as most livestock, proved capable of adapting to many different environments through selective breeding. Plant crops, on the other hand, expanded more in based on environment. For instance, grain stayed on stalk. Selective seeding was implemented according to the varying environments. Temperate plants such as wheat could not grow on tropical climates, and vice versa. Tropical plants include millet and banana.
             At the riverside of the Nile, floodplains were extremely important; after the water disappeared, the land was extremely fertile. There sedentary foraging community continued, with people living along the river and collecting the roots of sledges that grew in the river as well as fish and shellfish.Aquatic settlements were located along the Nile up to the Ethiopian Highlands, along the rivers that ran from what is now the Sahara to Lake Chad and the Niger River, and around Lake Chad.
             Between about 12,000 and 8,000 years ago, both pastoralism and sedentary communities along bodies of water spread all the way across Africa south of the Sahara. Both the cattle herding and aquatic settlements along lakes such as Chad and tributaries of Niger from the North exploited grains extensively. The most important food grains came from grasses that eventually became the domesticated crops of Africa. Sorghum, sorghum bicolor, shows most prominently, and plant biologists have long known that its ancestor grew wild in the area of the southern Sahara and Sahel. Pearl Millet, Pennisetum glaucum, was also domesticated in the area. The millets are a group of small-seeded species of cereal crops or grains, widely grown around the world for food. Millets have been important food staples in history of Africa since they grow in harsh environments where other crops do not grow well.
             In the forest/savannah frontier region (lakeside of Lake Victoria and coast of the Indian Ocean in Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya), the grain crops of the drier savannahs did not grow well. In these areas, people gradually domesticated the oil palm and several varieties of African yam. Again, the archaeological evidence is spotty, but linguistic data indicates that such crops were heavily exploited by about 8,000 years ago.
             About five thousand years ago, much of East Africa was still occupied by hunters and gatherers, commonly referred to as ndorobo. Unfortunately, most of their culture was integrated with later migrants and therefore its cultures are lost to current scholars.

. Influence from Interaction
. 1. In General

Unlike most people think, people in Africa never lived in isolation. They constantly contacted within Africa and with other continents as humanity expanded. Over the 100,000 years of human expansion, ideas, technology, goods, and diseases have moved from one node to another, even though individuals might never leave their own node and only contact people from neighboring nodes. It is notable that sub-Saharan Africa share more in common with other parts of the tropical Old World such as southern India and Southeast Asia than it would with the Mediterranean world with which it had much more direct and intimate contact.
Interactions with other continents, especially the Arabian and Indian peninsulas contributed in making the East African culture unique. This advantage let coastal parts of Kenya and Tanzania to use coconut, as well as other spices, as a flavoring, which made the foods tastier than in inland regions.

. 2. Pre-Colonial Era
. 2. A. within Africa

             Recent studies suggest that some of the most fundamental steps in creating food-producing societies were taken in Africa. The vast majority of African’s food crops before the modern era were domesticated in Africa itself. Sorghum and millet quickly spread along the shores of the Indian Ocean. Sorghum has been found in Arabia dating to about 4,500 years ago and millet in India to about 4,000 years ago. In addition, coffee, a variety of cotton, and sesame spread from Africa into the rest of the world.
In eastern Africa, two of the great food-producing systems of early Africa converged by about 800 B.C.E. After several centuries of interaction, people then produced a new synthesis that in turn spread rapidly in Africa. Before the arrival of Bantu-speaking agriculturalists, Cushitic-speaking farmers and herders had gradually moved south from Ethiopia starting about 5,000 years ago. The spread of cattle from northern Kenya to northern Tanzania took over 1,000 years in part because of a very difficult process of acclimatization to new disease environments. These farmers and herders arrived just as the first Bantu-speaking farmers entered the basin created by the Great Lakes.
The highly diverse environment of the broader Rift Valley created the opportunity for experimentation with new combinations of agricultural and animal husbandry practices. Bantu speakers at first stuck to well-watered highlands, leaving lowlands to the agropastoral communities. By about 500 B.C.E., they finished adopting elements of grain production and cattle keeping and began a massive expansion into the grasslands around the lakes. From the Lakes, they spread rapidly from the highlands of Tanzania and Kenya to drier lowlands of the Rift Valley, including the Serengeti Plain. Cushitic-speaking communities continued to occupy small regions in Kenya and especially Tanzania.

. 2. B. Monsoon Exchange

             By 10th century A.D., the inhabitants were unmistakably Bantu migrants who had pressed northward up the coast during the preceding centuries and settled in the commercial ports.  The Arabs called them the Zanj, the Blacks. A non-Muslim people, they soon controlled the trading cities and provided the goods, whereas the carrying trade itself remained in non-African hands. The scope of the trade appears to have expanded with the volume as merchants from China and Indonesia joined those from India, Persia, and Arabia. From there they controlled the transport of exotic spices from India and the East Indies to the Middle East and Europe. These spices--cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon--worked their way into the local Swahili cuisine. Coastal cooking is still more intensely flavored with spices than that of the interior.
                  The most important crops with external origins in eastern Africa before the Maritime Revolution came from tropical Asia. Bananas and plantains arrived in Africa early in the first millennium of the modern era to the East African coast which is now Tanzania and Kenya with voyagers from Southeast Asia. Bananas became an extremely important food crop in eastern Africa as well. There are different varieties of banana which are used for brewing beer and cooking, and others are eaten when ripe, such as kisukari (Swahili) or igisukari (Burundi).  Among them, a soft variety of bananas spread to the highland regions of East Africa, preferred for meat and maize dishes, starting perhaps with the Upare Mountains in eastern Tanzania. They would become a main staple in these regions after about 1000 C.E.
On the coast, the merchants eventually merged into the developing Bantu-speaking coastal communities that became the Swahili. Immigrants from Southeast Asia and from the African mainland brought chickens, cocoyam, and sugar cane. Most households in East Africa raise chickens, mostly prepared for guests. There are different significance reserved to various parts of chicken- for instance, in western Kenya, the tail part is only for the male head of the family. Later in the first millennium of the current era, Asian rice and sugar cane became important crops in eastern Africa. For cocoyam (or taro), it is widespread in the region and are commonly planted along water courses, and it is a popular breakfast menu.
Manioc (cassava), along with pumpkins and sweet potato, is an important crop imported from South America, and it withstands drought well. Although manioc has a relatively low nutritional value, it became dominant at the coastal areas and among the Iteso and Luo of Lake Victoria basin in Uganda. Dry cassava can be roasted or boiled or eaten fresh. In the coastal areas, people eat fried cassava flavored by lemon and powdered pepper, along with tea. Its leaves are also used as vegetables.
The fifteenth century witnessed the beginning of the process of sharing biota across the globe in a new way. In particular, exchange across the Indian Ocean in some ways prefigure the Columbian exchange in the movement of plants, animals, and people into new landscapes. This “monsoon exchange” brought African crops, animals, people, and goods throughout Asia and introduced new ones to Africa, thereby transforming African landscapes.
. 2. C. Columbian Exchange

Around 1000 years ago, the Arabs settled in the coastal areas of East Africa, and Arabic influences are especially reflected in the Swahili cuisine of the coast – steamed cooked rice with spices in Persian style. After Vasco da Gama succeeded in visiting India, in the 16th century, the Portuguese were able to trade with the Far East by taking control over Arabs. The aim of Portugal and it explorers was to monopolize the trade of the Indian Ocean and the East Indies, and eastern Africa was regarded principally as a way station to the Orient. They made little attempt to establish systematic government on the coast, so the coastal area could reserve its own traditions.
Still, the Portuguese had introduced techniques of roasting and marinating to East Africa. During the era of the Columbian exchange, Africa received new types of plants and animals that gave African societies new options in surviving within their environments, such as the use of spices which turned the bland diet into aromatic stewed dishes. Portuguese also brought from their Asian colonies fruits like the orange, lemon and lime. From their colonies in the New World, Portuguese also brought exotic items from America such as maize, peanuts, kidney beans, and potatoes, as well as European cabbage and kales. Currently, some of these are common elements of East African food. Later Portuguese retreated from East Africa as the spices became less profitable and the Arabs openly attacked them.
Very rapidly, African agricultural systems gained new crops from the opening of contact with the New World. Maize had the earliest prominence, and adapted very well to African environments. Maize is the basis of ugali. It is a sticky, moist dish that is made by mixing flour from a starchy food which is regarded as the most important food in East Africa. But it can also be made by sorghum, finger millet, pearl millet, wheat, or cassava. Initially, maize remained mostly in West Africa, and in eastern Africa, sorghum, millet, and banana (in the highlands) were far more important as staple crops. In the savannahs, periodic drought limited its adoption. However, in the late twentieth century, maize replaced sorghum as the most important cereal in East Africa. People roasting fresh soft maize is commonly seen in urban areas. Passerby buys this roasted maize as snacks. In Somali, fresh maize is fried in oil and taken as a snack. Another popluar East African food made of maize is githeri. It is a boiled mixture of fresh or dry maize with seeds from beans, garden peas, lablab beans, groundnuts, cowpeas, and pigeon peas.
             For another, beans (kidney bean, common bean) are especially important in Rwanda and Burundi- they east beans as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack. Cooked with starchy foods like sweet potatoes, cocoyams, and cassava, it is their frequent dish. Other recipes of beans include stew or sauce.

. 3. Colonial Rule
Between 19th and 20th century, European empires began to compete for colonies in East Africa. The British colonizing Uganda and Kenya, the regions appropriate for cultivation of cash crops such as coffee and tea. Germans took over Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi, and Italy gained control of Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia some later on. These countries brought with them their foods. After the colonial partition of Africa in 1884-85, the British began to arrive. They quickly confiscated most of the arable land for plantations, driving large numbers of traditional farmers, largely Kikuyu, to the cities. On their estates the British proudly stuck with familiar English cooking and made little attempt to incorporate or assimilate Kenyan cuisine into their own. Likewise, relatively little remains in contemporary Kenyan cuisine to reflect the British colonial experience apart from a fondness for tea. A larger impact was made, however, by Indian merchants and railway workers from the subcontinent. Samosas, chapati, curries, rice pilau and chutneys remain quite popular with Kenyans today.

. Famine and Malnutrition Problems

Famine is defined as the generalized rise in mortality in a region because of a lack of food. Although the cultivation of crops has long passed the point which it can feed all people in the world, there are still many people starving to death, and it is a real serious problem in East Africa. An estimated 11 million people in the Horn of Africa “are on the brink of starvation” because of severe drought and war. Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and Ethiopia need food aid, water, new livestock and seeds. This is a major hunger crisis in development. In 2011, the rainfall was way below average again, causing the worst draught ever. It is directly related to the recent sharp population growth in Africa as well. Although the people don’t yet have the ability to feed themselves, the population is increasing ever more.
The decades between 1870 and 1920 were portentous ones for Africa: these years encompassed not only the conquest of Africa but also, as both cause and consequence of that conquest, a series of environmental disasters that reduced African populations in many places, destroyed Africa’s economic autonomy, and eventually created impoverished and dependent economies in the new colonies. The most intense period of conquest coincided with the spread of rinderpest in Africa for the first time. Rinderpest, a cattle disease that affects ruminants and is transmitted through spittle left in grazing area, had been endemic in parts of Europe and Asia for many centuries. In 1887, the Italian expedition that conquered Eritrea brought infected cattle to sub-Saharan Africa for the first time. The disease established itself in African herds and spread rapidly, with mortality rates in unexposed herds reaching up to 95 percent. Rinderpest, coupled with the scorched earth policies of the Germans and British in East Africa when they faced resistance, made the 1890s a decade of famine in East Africa. With the movement off colonial forces and the gradual increase in trade, other disease also spread more rapidly.
The famine crises of the 1890s occurred because colonial conquest had disrupted the systems that African societies had developed for maintaining access to food in the face of climatic variability. The new stresses came in the form of a more rapid circulation of diseases, both human and animal. They also derived from the disruption and violence of conquest itself. The colonial state system added to these stressed by imposing a new series of demands on African societies. In haphazard and often initially unplanned ways, colonial states set about to remake African landscapes, and Africans, into part of the global economy but in a subservient and dependent position. From 1917 to 1920, East Africa Campaign during World War led to massive famine in large parts of East Africa.
After the colonial era, famine has reappeared at times in several parts of the continent. Droughts, storms, and floods wreaked havoc on communities and infrastructure alike as climate change made the weather even less predictable. Famine became associated with war. In Ethiopia in the late 1970s, and again in the early 1990s famine resulted when civil strife combined with a climatic event. Moreover, many regions of eastern Africa faced food shortages throughout the period since independence without widespread increase in mortality. The transportation and marketing systems developed during the colonial era continued to be able to bring food into food-shortage regions. There were several crop failures as well, yet it only coincided with famine in those countries undergoing civil conflict.

. Conclusion

Overall, the history of nutrition in East Africa was surprisingly not investigated. Perhaps it was due to lack of food itself, and the image of famine malnutrition this region has, and people’s misconception that it would not have any significant dietary culture. However, this is thoroughly wrong. Like other areas of Africa, Eastern African food consists of dishes made from grains, including sorghum, millet, rice, maize, yam, beans and cowpeas, flours for bread and stews cooked with vegetables and meat. Fresh milk and butter features in many authentic Eastern African foods. So are coconut milk curry and a variety of spices. Variations are plentiful, due to ethnic and religious influences, especially contacts of these indigenous African populations with Arabs from the Horn of Africa and Arabian world. For instance, meat eaten by those in Somalia for example is mainly halal, meaning it must be slaughtered alive and the blood poured to the ground. Already dead animals are not eaten, neither is pork or meal served with alcohol. Because of the largely nomadic life styles seen in this region, main meals are eaten mostly twice and sometimes thrice, though with rapidly urbanization, most working class people have three square meals.
Even when the Portuguese arrived, they were taken aback by the beautiful and independent culture of East Africa. Also, due to such diversity of environments, eastern Africa has the possibility to grow many crops. It was the European invasion, and their redistricting of Africa, that ruined everything. The local people’s beautiful culture was destroyed. They were sold as slaves to other continents. While they went through all of it, a lot of ancient tradition and natural wildlife they still possessed were lost.
             Despite all those hard times, eastern Africa has lots of possibilities towards development. Using its blessed natural environments, increased population, newly coming European and American capital, they will soar into the blue sky one day. To see that, people around the world must willingly provide aid to the suffering population. It is not for our good; it is for the common good. It is for all of humanity.

. Bibliography
. 1. Online Sites

. 2. Wikipedia Articles

. 3. Printed Sources
. 3. A. Papers

1. Tanganyika Government. "Budget Survey 1963-64", p. 29-Printed by the Survey Division, Ministry of Lands, Forests and Wildlife. Gives preliminary estimates of G.D.P. for 1962.
2. B. van Arkadie. "The Structure of the Kenya economy", p.. 5 (mimeo.) Proceedings of the E.A. I.S.R. Conference, January 1964, Makerere, Kampala. "...a tentative step towards a larger study of the growth and structure of the East African economy."
3. Statistics Division. "The Real Growth of the Economy of Uganda 1954-1962", p. 50 (mimeo). Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning and Community Development. A series for 1954-1962 of G.D.P. at factor cost valued at 1960 prices, with a discussion of the methods used.
4. Adamson, Joy, Peoples of Kenya. Collins/Harvill 1973.
5. Turnbull, Colin. Mountain People. Touchstone, 1972. (Covers indigenous culture in Northeastern Uganda.)
6. Gulliver, Philip H., (ed.) Tradition and Transition in East Africa: Studies of the Tribal Factor in the Modern Era. Univ. of California Press, 1969.
7. Lewis, David Levering, The Race to Fashoda: European Colonialism and African Resistance in the Scramble for Africa. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987.  Excellent recitation of politics, follies and drama as the Europeans tried to claim what didn't belong to them. Recommended.
8. Porter, Philip W., Food and Development in the Semi-Arid Zone of East Africa. Syracuse Univ. Press, 1979.
10. alimentation des populations africaines au Sud du Sahara. Pp. 221 Depouillement de la bibliotheque de I’INEAC, d’apres un plan analytique par M.P.C. Lefevre (Enquetes bibl. 13) – nutrition
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15. Barthelme, J. W. 1984. “Early Evidence for Animal Domestication in Eastern Africa.”In From Hunters to Farmers: The Causes and Consequences of Food Production in Africa, ed. J. D. Clark and S. A. Brandt, 200-205. Berkeley: University of California Press.
16. Maddox, G. 1986. “Njar: Food Shortages and Famines in Tanzania Between the Wars.” International Journal of African Historical Studies, 19(1): 17-34.

. 3. B. Books

1.      Korean. (1988) Library of Nations- 동아프리카[East Africa] Library of Nations Series, Time-Life Books Inc. 1897, 09 Apr. 2012.
2.      Korean. (2005) Lutz van Dijk, 2004, 처음 읽는 아프리카의 역사 [ Die Geschichte Afrikas], Campus Verlag, p. 85~93, 09 Apr. 2012.
3.      Rober O. Collins, 1990, History of Eastern Africa, Markus Wiener Publishers, Princeton, 10 June 2012
4.      Korean. (1973) Charles B. Heiser, Jr., 문명의 씨앗, 음식의 역사 [Seed to Civilization: The Story of Food], Kram Publishing Co., Seoul, 10 June 2012
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Small Steps on Gun Control

Small Steps on Gun Control
What do guns do?

Submitted to: Mr. Garrioch
By: Sung Ji Yun
Student ID: 111163
For: English Composition
On: Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

When I was 11 years old, I flew to United States to get education and there I heard one story that baffled me: a 15-year old boy being shot and killed by a police officer. It can still be viewed on internet- an unarmed black young man leaping out of the bushes, yelling profanities against two armed police officers. Honestly, how dangerous can that be? How could they just point the gun at a juvenile and pull the trigger, without hesitation? The most surprising part was that the police officers didn’t get any punishment whatsoever, regarded as self-defense. Mrs. Kim, a family friend, said it’s because they are white, and they are police. Such things always matter.
That is merely one example of many; there are millions and millions of cases which people get killed by guns, especially 12-19 year old black males. Can you imagine the slum streets of African-Americans, where guns and drugs are everywhere, without anyone to lead you the right way? In a recent study by the UN, it was found that firearms cause an average 60% of all homicides. Not only that, some research shows an association between household firearm ownership and gun suicide rates. In the United States, firearms remain the most common method of suicide, accounting for 52.1% of all suicides committed during 2005, according to the Debatabase article.
             April 16th, 2007, a Virginia Tech University student Seung-hui Cho killed 32 people and wounded 25 others in campus. It was the greatest gun-related massacre in United States, which derived so much attention from the media, interest groups, and the general public. There were all kinds of people fiercely talking about the issue, calling for a stronger gun control. Did it change anything? No. The LA Times editorial crew makes it clear. It went back to normal state all over again. It is natural, of course- known as the ‘issue-attention cycle’- but for this matter, the cycle should not be applied. This is a matter that is directly related to the citizen’s everyday lives. It shouldn’t be just forgotten like that. However, other matters, such as reelection of Congress or interests of weapon companies are at stake. The policy makers don’t simply care about people’s safety. This is where we, the citizens, come in- we should form a close issue network, obliging the government to pass bill. Here is a quote from the LA Times article, accusing Democrats for putting their political stability over people’s safety and their beliefs.

Rather than even try to communicate this, most Democrats would rather avoid the issue. At least until the next Columbine[i] or Virginia Tech.

             So exactly why is gun so bad? For one, the primary function of a gun is to kill. Unlike other weapons, gun shooting is impossible to merely subdue the enemy. Handling a gun doesn’t even need a handful of education- a slight press on the forefinger is sufficient. When people panic, they tend to lose control over their mind and they might just pull the trigger without considering the consequences. Some critics assert that it is an abuse of power to remove the right the bear arms. They argue it is necessary for the self-defense for law-abiding citizens. However, how can shooting be a proper defense over burglary? First of all, burglary shouldn’t be punished by violence. A proper self-defense is achieved by blocking the doors, windows, setting up alarms… not by loading a gun. Also, it is said that Americans own an estimated 270 million firearms – approximately 90 guns for every 100 people, according to the source “Gun Violence Statistics.” In a society of such high rate, the burglar would suspect the existence of gun in the household, and therefore bring a gun at his crime scene. In Korea, where almost no one is allowed to possess a gun, it is highly unlikely. People don’t feel the need to carry a gun where no one has it. It is my desire that the same happens in U.S. as well.
             Gun advocates denounce such statistics as “myths” about gun control, but facts are facts, they cannot lie. Firearms were the third-leading cause of injury-related deaths nationwide in 2009, following poisoning and motor vehicle accidents. Many supporters of gun ownership deceive the readers by giving the percentage by all deaths, which is less than 2%. However, we should exclude natural deaths or deaths of an illness, surely. Guns were used in 11,493 homicides in the U.S. in 2009, comprising over 36% of all gun deaths, and over 68% of all homicides. Notably, firearms were used in nearly 45% of suicide deaths among persons under age 25 in 2009. As you can see, gun violence rate is especially high among the youth. Children and young adults (24 years of age and under) constitute over 38% of all firearm deaths and non-fatal injuries. Also, Firearm injuries are the cause of death of more than 18 children and young adults (24 years of age and under) each day in the U.S. As we can see, gun violation rate is especially high among the youth.
Because young people are extremely vulnerable to their environments, it is much easier for them to get involved in gun violence when there is a gun in their household. In the article of ABC News Online, the author says that it is impossible to establish a causal link between guns and violence. We do need to count the other factors as well, as the author points out, factors such as poverty, education, mental illness, alcohol and unemployment. However, guns are mostly involved with crimes, especially fatal ones. According to “Gun Violence Statistics,” in 2007, nearly 70% of all murders nationwide were committed with a firearm. Total of 385,178 firearm crimes were committed, including 11,512 murders, 190,514 robberies, and 183,153 aggravated assaults. That is a number that cannot be neglected, and even if there are other causes of death, one cannot deny that the method of those crimes was a shooting a gun.
There’s one more thing that needs to be considered: the nation’s culture. Indeed, most Koreans would get shocked when they hear about America’s gun culture, even the fact that U.S. citizens can own guns. But that’s because we live in a society where possessing a gun is abnormal. Not even all police officers carry guns. So we don’t feel the need for guns. In United States, we can look back at the history of that country.

The ‘Wild West’ mentality is still evident in the US psyche today.

             This is a quote from the first reference article. The author also points out that it is illegal guns, not licensed ones, that is committed a crime with, and therefore prohibiting guns cannot solve the problem. This sounds reasonable at a glimpse, but if we think the other way, so many illegal guns are running around because the government allows them. In case of Korea, where guns are strictly forbidden, it is so hard to get a gun even illegally. It is the chronic problem, which is also pointed out in the second article. There’s got to be more loopholes where people are allowed to carry guns in streets!
             All guns cannot be eliminated at once, surely. That is why I used a same title as the article “Small Steps on Gun Control.” We should try to fill in the loopholes first. Currently, like ABC News says, it is impossible to know exactly the number of guns and its owners because the U.S. government does not hold a registration. They can do that first. We need not be impatient; it would mass up everything. Still, for the sake of citizens’ safety, they should get to work immediately.

Sales, Leigh. “A Look inside America’s Gun Culture.” ABC News Online, 17 April 2007
Los Angeles Times Editorial Crew. “Small Steps on Gun Control.” LA Times, 17 June 2007.
Legal Community Against Violence. “Gun Violence Statistics.” LCAV, 2012.

[i] It is referring to the 1999 massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado, two students killing 12 students and a teacher, wounding 24 others and finally killing themselves.